Ambient Technologies

Spreadsheet and Spread Editor

by Janis Volbergs, Jan 12, 2013

In this article, we will introduce two new add-ons for the Agile Toolkit - SpreadSheet and Spread Editor. First add-on will provide you with spreadsheet editing basic functionality, whereas other add-on will enable you to edit multiple records within one form.


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This add-on lets you setup a grid of any size, specifying columns and rows - columns and rows are stored inside SpreadSheet Model - so you can have number of different sheets for your purposes. It is up to you to predefine the dimensions or let the user choose. Whatever the choice is, data is stored nicely into model SpreadSheet_Cell. You can optionally store “formating”, formulas etc. as required to implement your custom logic. Default implementation is very basic to give you a solid ground for further improvements.

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Spread Editor

See it in action: Live Demo

This add-on lets you edit multiple records at the same time. It reuses the concept that is used in the SpreadSheet add-on, however both add-ons are standalone and do not require each other. This add-on will benefit you, when you want an easy way to edit hasMany records for any of your objects. For instance, if you have an object Invoice that has related Invoice_Entries, you can use this addon to update all “rows” at once. In future, there could be advanced option of this editor, which would let you add new records on the fly. If you would like that to be added, please leave a comment. Now, enjoy the demo, and get the Ambient Addons now.

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